To the Second Annual Gala to benefit Wilderness Early Learning Center
You can make a difference
We need your help! You can get involved at The Acorn School by volunteering and/or donating.
Getting involved will help increase socioeconomic diversity in our classrooms. By providing tuition assistance to our most at-risk children and families, you make a huge difference in the lives of the most vulnerable in our community. We appreciate your support!
The Acorn School is working closely with community leaders to address the achievement gap in Boulder County. The Community Foundation’s 2011 TRENDS report defines the issue/need to be addressed:
The Community Foundation has tracked these demographic Trends for more than a decade. Year after year, the achievement gap persists as one of the most stubborn issues in our community…Current public spending on school readiness amounts to $276 per Boulder County child under age 6. Compare that to the $6,500 per pupil annually spent in BVSD, and you can see there is no comprehensive childcare and early education system in Boulder County. It’s the kind of system experts say is needed to turn Boulder County’s achievement gap around.[1]
The Acorn School for Early Childhood Development is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.